Marketing Recruitment

Young woman with headphones and her hands raised during videoconference on laptop
Marketing Recruitment

Your business depends on the connections you make with your customers. We’ll find you the right talent to build those relationships.

Finding the right candidates for your organisation


From Digital to Creative to Communications Marketing

We understand the skills and attributes required to deliver you the marketing talent at all levels and for all disciplines. Let’s work together to find you the talent to drive your marketing strategy.

We know that finding the right marketing people for a business can be a game-changer, that’s why we work closely with our clients to ensure we recruit high-performing marketing professionals, meeting your business needs and matching your organisation’s culture.

We are constantly utilising our extensive experience and understanding of how the marketing landscape is developing to help identify the qualities required for marketers to thrive within different organisations. As recruiters, we ensure we understand the roles we are recruiting to fill and the business needs of the companies we work with.

The Marketing Mix

Whether you are looking for a new recruit to work on your strategic marketing, lead generation or product marketing then we can help. TRB recruits marketing staff in a range of disciplines and positions, including:

Digital Marketing

Search Engine Marketing

Digital Media

Marketing Coordinator

Brand Manager

Marketing Executive

Marketing Assistant

Skills Testing

Our suite of marketing skills tests cover everything from Google Analytics, WordPress, SEO and Copyrighting as well as soft skill tests such as communication, multitasking and team spirit. We recommend that all candidates are tested prior to being submitted for your consideration. Find out more about our skills testing and how we interpret the results to help find your next marketing superstar.

Our competitive pricing and rebate policy ensures value for money and peace of mind, to find out more click here.

Contact us today for an initial chat about how working together we can help find your next marketing superstar.