Essential Steps for Following Up After an Interview

Getting the ideal role often involves a lot of patience. You need to regularly check job listings, interact with your recruitment company to discover new opportunities that match your skills, and constantly write new cover letters and CVs.

When you finally land an interview, the chances are you’ll be eager to hear back from your potential employer as quickly as possible. While there’s not a lot you can do to accelerate the company’s hiring decisions, following up with a hiring manager or recruitment team can be beneficial.

The right approach to the “follow-up” phase helps to convey your passion and interest in the job you’ve applied for. It also lets you keep employers updated about your situation and demonstrate your soft skills (such as excellent communication).

The key to success is knowing how, when, and why to follow up effectively.

There’s a right and wrong way to follow up after a job interview. Contacting a company too frequently could make you seem overly eager (and pushy), which might harm your chances of getting the role you want.

However, failing to follow up completely could make you seem disinterested or less memorable to your interviewer.

The best way to approach the follow-up process is to set the foundations at the end of your interview. Ask the interviewer when you can expect to hear back from them about the next steps and if they have any specific preferences about how you should contact them.

Using this information, you can effectively navigate the following three methods of following up after your job interview.

The Power of Thank-You Notes

The thank-you note is the one message you can send to every interviewer immediately after your job interview. It doesn’t ask them for an immediate decision or push them for more information; it simply shows you’re grateful to have an opportunity.

Typically, sending this note between 24 and 48 hours after the interview is a good idea.

You can send your thank-you note via email, text, or social media, or even leave a voicemail (depending on your interviewer’s preferences).

Whichever method you choose, keep the note short and sweet. Express gratitude and mention one specific thing about the interview that resonated with you, reinforcing your enthusiasm for the role.

You can also use this opportunity to highlight why you think you’re a good fit for the role. For instance, if you were excited to hear about the company embracing more tech, mention that and note how you’re currently experimenting with innovative solutions yourself.

What to Include In Your Follow-Up Email or Message

If you’re sending a follow-up email or message, keep things straight to the point. If you send an email, include a specific subject line, such as: “John Smith: Re: Interview on April 5th, 2 pm”.

Start the email by using your interviewer’s name and reminding them of your name: “Hello Jane, this is John Smith; we spoke on [Date, time]”.

Again, keep this note short and straight to the point. The content should be similar to your thank-you note, expressing your interest and excitement about the role. It might help to reference something you’ve recently heard about the company or industry. For instance, you could congratulate the team for winning a recent award.

Ask if there’s any additional information you might be able to provide that could help the company’s hiring decision, and let them know you’re looking forward to hearing from them.

Follow-Up Etiquette

Knowing how to follow up effectively after a job interview is a great way to demonstrate your passion for a role and excitement about a job. However, it’s important to use the right approach. Here are the three things you should focus on:

Getting the Timing Right

While you can immediately contact a hiring manager with a thank-you note, you shouldn’t ask for information about their decision too quickly. Nor should you constantly bombard them with endless messages. Follow up once after the date your hiring manager gives you, indicating when they’ll be making their hiring decision, and then wait.

The only time to avoid this rule or reach out earlier than the date is when something changes in your situation. For instance, you can inform your hiring manager if you get an offer from another company or acquire a new certification.

The Content and Tone

Regardless of what happened in your interview, always thank the hiring manager for the opportunity when sending follow-up messages. Expressing your passion and excitement about the role is also important. Be professional, friendly and enthusiastic with your tone of voice. Remember to reference the interviewer by name, too.

Personalising the Message

When following up with an interviewer, take a personalised approach. Call the interviewer by name and reference specific things in the interview. Hopefully, you will have taken notes throughout the interview, so you’ll know what to mention.

Follow Up on Your Interview the Right Way

Mastering the art of interview can significantly improve your chances of getting the role you want and pave the foundations for a positive relationship with the leadership team in your new company.

Knowing when and how to send a thank-you note, follow-up message, and feedback request will help you navigate the post-interview phase professionally and confidently.

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  • At TRBtalent, we are committed to finding the best candidates for your organisation, ensuring they are a long-term fit.
  • To give you peace of mind, we offer all our clients an exclusive 12-month rebate and replacement policy. This guarantee allows you to recruit confidently, knowing that if the placement doesn’t work out, we have you covered.
Competitive Fees and Flexible Payment Plans
  • We understand the importance of managing recruitment costs effectively.
  • Our highly competitive fees start at just 12%, allowing your recruitment budget to go further.
  • We offer a monthly payment plan for clients who prefer to spread the fees over time, providing flexibility to meet your financial planning needs.
By combining our  comprehensive recruitment process with these client-centric policies, TRBtalent ensures you receive exceptional value and security in your hiring decisions.

finding your ideal candidate
our 5-step process

Step 1: Understanding Your Organisation’s DNA
We start by understanding your organisation’s DNA, business offerings, and culture allowing us to identify candidates who will not only fit in but will also contribute positively and stay long-term.
Step 2: Crafting a Compelling Job Advert
We create job adverts that do more than just list duties; they highlight your employer brand, organisational culture, and future prospects. This approach attracts candidates genuinely interested in your company and the job.
Step 3: Maximising Candidate Reach
We employ a dual strategy to reach the best candidates:
Proactive Candidate Search (63% of successful placements): Utilising advanced AI software across multiple online databases and our own TRBtalentpool© maximises the number of suitable candidates that are aware of your role.
Job Marketing (37% of successful placements): We market your job on various platforms including general job boards, geographically specific sites, industry-specific sites, social networks, and membership sites to attract a wide range of candidates.
Step 4: Conducting Thorough Interviews
No CV is submitted without a thorough vetting process. Each candidate undergoes a meticulously crafted interview to assess their suitability for your role. This rigorous screening ensures that only the best candidates are presented to you.
Step 5: Managing the Job Offer Process
We handle the job offer stage with great care to minimise risks such as counteroffers and offer rejections. By staying on top of all potential issues, we maximise the chances of offer acceptance.
Commitment to Outstanding Communication
Aligned with our customer-centric philosophy, we maintain a robust candidate and client communication strategy. We keep all candidates informed about their status at appropriate times throughout the recruitment process, ensuring a positive experience regardless of the outcome.  Our clients receive the same level of engagement.
By following these steps, we ensure that you find candidates who not only meet your requirements but also align with your company’s values and culture, leading to long-term success and satisfaction for both parties.

TRBtalent: Confidence in Recruitment

Exclusive 12-Month Rebate and Replacement Policy
  • At TRBtalent, we are committed to finding the best candidates for your organisation, ensuring they are a long-term fit.
  • To give you peace of mind, we offer an exclusive 12-month rebate and replacement policy for all our clients.
  • This guarantee allows you to recruit with confidence, knowing that if the placement doesn’t work out, we have you covered.
Competitive Fees and Flexible Payment Plans
  • We understand the importance of managing recruitment costs effectively.
  • Our highly competitive fees start at just 12.5%, allowing your recruitment budget to go further.
  • We offer a monthly payment plan for clients who prefer to spread the fees over time, providing flexibility to meet your financial planning needs.
By combining our  comprehensive recruitment process with these client-centric policies, TRBtalent ensures you receive exceptional value and security in your hiring decisions.
The Hiring Checklist - Building Your Team

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